Battle Through the Heavens is a popular Chinese manga series that has been captivating readers for years now. This manga series is adapted from a novel of the same name written by Tian Can Tu Dou. The story follows the journey of a young man named Xiao Yan, who has been banished by his family due to his lack of talent in martial arts.

Despite his initial struggles, Xiao Yan discovers that he possesses a rare talent for controlling fire, which he inherited from his mother. He also finds a powerful ally in the form of a fallen dragon who has taken on the form of a young girl. Together, they embark on a journey filled with battles and challenges, as Xiao Yan seeks to become the strongest fighter in the world.

Recently, the creators of Battle Through the Heavens announced that they have signed a three-year agreement with a major publisher. This agreement will allow the manga series to be distributed to a wider audience, meaning that fans of the series can expect more chapters and updates in the coming years.

The announcement of this agreement has been met with enthusiasm from fans of the series. This is because it means that the creators of the series are committed to bringing more content to their readers. With the series having already amassed a massive following, this new agreement will likely draw in even more fans, who are eagerly anticipating the next chapters in the story.

The Battle Through the Heavens manga series has gained popularity not only in China but also internationally. This is due to its engaging storyline, well-crafted characters, and stunning artwork. The series has been translated into various languages and has been enjoyed by readers all over the world.

With this new agreement in place, it is clear that the creators of Battle Through the Heavens are dedicated to continuing to produce high-quality content for their fans. Fans of the series can look forward to more exciting battles, captivating storylines, and stunning artwork in the years to come.

In conclusion, Battle Through the Heavens is a must-read manga series for any fan of the martial arts genre. With its engaging storyline, complex characters, and stunning artwork, it is no wonder that this series has gained such a massive following. With the new three-year agreement in place, fans can rest assured that there will be more exciting content to come in the future.