Collaborative Agreement Nurse Practitioner Connecticut: Everything You Need to Know

Nurse practitioners (NPs) are highly skilled health care professionals who provide primary care services to patients. In Connecticut, NPs are required to have a collaborative agreement with a physician or a podiatrist in order to practice.

A collaborative agreement is a legal document that outlines the relationship between the NP and the collaborating physician or podiatrist. This agreement is required by law in Connecticut, and it must be submitted to the Connecticut State Board of Nursing.

In this article, we will discuss the key components of a collaborative agreement for nurse practitioners in Connecticut.

What is a Collaborative Agreement?

A collaborative agreement is a written agreement between an NP and a collaborating physician or podiatrist. It outlines the scope of practice for the NP and the responsibilities of both the NP and the collaborating physician or podiatrist.

The collaborative agreement is designed to ensure that the NP functions within his or her scope of practice and that patients receive appropriate care. The agreement must be signed by both the NP and the collaborating physician or podiatrist.

Key Components of a Collaborative Agreement

A collaborative agreement must include the following components:

1. Scope of Practice: The agreement must clearly define the scope of practice for the NP. This includes the types of services that the NP is authorized to provide, as well as any limitations on the NP`s practice.

2. Indirect Supervision: The agreement must specify the degree of supervision required for the NP. In Connecticut, NPs are required to have indirect supervision, which means that the collaborating physician or podiatrist must be available for consultation as needed.

3. Practice Setting: The agreement must specify the practice setting in which the NP will work. This includes the name and address of the practice, as well as the hours of operation.

4. Quality Assurance: The agreement must include provisions for quality assurance. This includes a plan for ongoing evaluation of the NP`s performance, as well as a plan for addressing any quality-related issues that arise.

5. Liability: The agreement must address liability issues. This includes provisions for malpractice insurance coverage for both the NP and the collaborating physician or podiatrist.

6. Term: The agreement must specify the term of the agreement. In Connecticut, the term of a collaborative agreement can be up to two years.


Nurse practitioners play an important role in providing primary care services to patients in Connecticut. In order to practice, they must have a collaborative agreement with a physician or podiatrist.

A collaborative agreement is a legal document that outlines the relationship between the NP and the collaborating physician or podiatrist. It is designed to ensure that patients receive appropriate care and that the NP functions within his or her scope of practice.

If you are a nurse practitioner in Connecticut, it is important to understand the key components of a collaborative agreement. With this knowledge, you can ensure that your agreement meets all legal requirements and protects your patients and your practice.